Location: Tavern United Downtown Rooftop Patio
Mark your calendar and plan to join the Winnipeg Blue Bomber Alumni for our 9th Annual Spirit Fest (aka Whiskey & Wine Night).
Upon arrival, you will receive a passport that will give you access to the best spirits in town! There will be lots of tasty food to pair with all the sampling!
TICKETS: $60 each, $45 Alumni Member each, OR $600 for a table sponsor package that includes 10 tickets and logo recognition at the event.
Proceeds in support of Deer Lodge Centre Foundation and the Bomber Alumni Scholarship Fund.
Pay by cheque or e-transfer
Winnipeg Blue Bomber Alumni Inc
283 Barker Blvd
Winnipeg, MB R3R 2H4
e-transfer: susan@bomberalumni.com
**Qualified members must be paid members & in good standing. Alumni Players – Coaches – Cheer/Dance Team - Executive Committee & Associate Members Designated by Bomber Alumni Board.
The 26th Annual Riverview Health Cente Foundation Cycle on Life.
Please donate to our team using the button below.
Join the Winnipeg Blue Bomber Alumni for an evening of Spirits at the Tavern United Downtown Rooftop Patio
Save-On-Foods and the Winnipeg Blue Bomber Alumni are committed to supporting our community. This year all proceeds will be going to the Blue Bomber Alumni Scholarship Fund – in support of Amateur Football in Manitoba.